Linux & its distributions
Today, here is some more about Linux and its distributions🐧 😎
🤖💻 Understanding in mainly that the Linux is OS or NOT.
So, Yes, Linux Is Operating System but we cannot use as directly as we know Linux is an open source Kernel and kernel is the core part of an operating system, Managing system resources and communications between Hardware and software.
In extremely basic way to understand, Assume we have a open source process of Car engine(Linux Kernel) and using the Car engine process the Car brands build their own Car(Operating system) adding different features, facilities, Security and functionalities that is called distributions.
Famous Distributions of Linux-
🚀 Ubuntu
🚀 CentOS
🚀 Red hat RHEL
🚀 Kali Linux
💬Comment if you know more Distros, Thank you🙏 🤠
See you all in the next one.💻